Disa pyetje qe na drejtohen keto dite: 1. A behet fjale vetem per domainet .al apo dhe per domainet .com!? Kerkesa per perditesimin e informacionit mbi pronaret e portaleve mediatike perfshin te gjithe llojet e domaineve.Kjo perfshin domainet .com, .net, .al e cdo lloj domaini tjeter. 2. Si mundet te bllokoje AKEP nje domain .com? AKEP nuk ka ... Több... »
Duke filluar nga data 10 Shtator 2018, ne do vendosim ne dispozicion te klienteve tane nje tjeter llogari bankare per te gjitha pagesat e sherbimeve te domaineve dhe hostimit. Shtimi i llogarise se re behet pas kerkesave te shume klienteve tane per pagesa nepermjet kesaj banke. Raiffeisen Bank eshte banka e dyte me e madhe ne Shqiperi.Qe sot ... Több... »
In celebration of Albania's Independence Day, we offer only for the 28th and 29th of November a discount of 30% with the code: 30OFF.
Happy Independence Day!
Few years ago, Google announced that it will penalize domains that do not use encryption. The announcement is part of a move to increase security and awareness to security of thousand of transactions and identity exchange on the internet. While most of the large traffic websites have already moved their online services to protected TSL ... Több... »