Dear customers and partners,
We inform you that starting from 20.06.2022 we will not accept CASH payments anymore.
You already have the option of PayPal payments, credit card payments through 2Checkout, and Bank Transfers.
Thank you for working with us! Team
Dear clients, To improve security, your experience with the administration of .al domains and managing of hosting packages, we will upgrade our system in March 5th 2022, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (CET). During this maintenance you might experience difficulties accessing your account at . We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Læs mere »
.AL Domain number limitationsWe would like to inform that .AL Registry has revoked the restrictions of .al domain number limitations. From now on, a person is not restricted to register only 5 domains and a company is not restricted to register only 15 domains. So the Article 7.b of the .al domain Regulation Nr. 02 dated ... Læs mere »
New Year Start full of Energy! What a crazy year we left behind!In 2018 it seemed that everyone is present on internet, from our 5 year old digital native kids (that surprise us with tricks on our phones we never knew), to the old grandma sharing our 5 year old pics with dirty clothes and happy faces.If you believe 2018 was ... Læs mere »