In the last days, we noticed reports by our clients regarding the inability to login with 2 Factor Authentification. This was due to a slight problem with the time of the hosting server. As the 2FA code is valid for 60 seconds, a few seconds made a difference.
The problem has been solved. :)
Happy Domaining!
Due to high requests of 2 letter domains, below is a list of the availble domains: A0.AL A2.AL A3.AL A4.AL A5.AL A7.AL A8.AL A9.AL B0.AL B1.AL B2.AL B3.AL B4.AL B5.AL B6.AL B7.AL B8.AL B9.AL C1.AL C2.AL C3.AL C4.AL C5.AL C6.AL C7.AL C8.AL C9.AL D0.AL D1.AL D2.AL D3.AL D4.AL D5.AL D6.AL D7.AL D8.AL D9.AL E0.AL E1.AL E2.AL E3.AL E4.AL E5.AL ... Ler Mais »
UPDATE - Domains are exhausted. There are only some L-N combinations available.The previous list below is no longer relevant.In the last days, we have seen a spike of interest in short 2 letter .al domains. From a simple check in the zone, the following 2 letter domains should still be available: ... Ler Mais »
Dear clients,
To improve your experience with the administration of .al domains, and managing of your hosting packages, we have upgraded and provided you with an improved Control Panel.
The most important feature is the mobile compatibility, where you will be able to interact with the client's portal from any device.