What happens if i do not renew my .al domain name

Domains that are not renewed within 30 days after the expiration date are freed and may be registered by any other applicant.

AKEP is the official registry for the domain administration of .al domains

When a domain name expires. it returns within 30 (thirty) free days and can be registered by a new applicant.

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How can i register an .al domain

The .al domains are registered by AKEP, a state entity entrusted with the domain administration...

How can i register a domain name

To register a domain, click on the menu: Order (https://www.host.al/clientarea/cart.php). Here,...

Which are the .al domains that cannot be registered

We quote below the regulation of the administration of names under al. (REGULATION - "For...

Domain names that are not allowed for registration

Some domain names forbidden to be registered: Categorized Geopolitical Names...

How does the whois server function

To help our site visitors, we've provided a web interface for whois over .al domains. Normally an...