Duke filluar nga data 10 Shtator 2018, ne do vendosim ne dispozicion te klienteve tane nje tjeter llogari bankare per te gjitha pagesat e sherbimeve te domaineve dhe hostimit.
Shtimi i llogarise se re behet pas kerkesave te shume klienteve tane per pagesa nepermjet kesaj banke.
Raiffeisen Bank eshte banka e dyte me e madhe ne Shqiperi.

Qe sot pagesat mund t'i beni dhe tek:

Emri Llogarise: ShqiperiaCom Shpk
Numri i Llogarise: 0001367691
IBAN: AL 9420 2110 1300 0000 0001 3676 91

Starting September 10th, 2018, we will add one more Bank Account where you can make payments for domains or domain credits.
The new account is on Raiffeisen Bank, the second largest bank in Albania. We are adding this bank account due to client requests.

Account Name: ShqiperiaCom Shpk
Account Number: 0001367691
IBAN: AL 9420 2110 1300 0000 0001 3676 91

We have updated the section on the bank payments on our knowledge base section as well.

دوشنبه, سپتامبر 10, 2018

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